(410) 536-0914

You Hold the Key for a Great Move: Follow the Moving Timeline

You Hold the Key for a Great Move: Follow the Moving Timeline

So you are about to move? Congratulations on your big decision. Does thinking about the move stress you out? We have devised a timeline and if you follow that, the process will be extremely smooth and you will not have to face any problems. Here is what you should do, depending on the amount of time you have left for the move.

Three weeks prior to the move

Though you can manage the move by yourself, the process does take time and is exhausting as well. A much better idea is to hire a moving company; you will have to search for these and then opt for the one which you find the most suitable. Schedule dates with them beforehand so that no issues arise at the last minute.

Start sorting out your belongings and separate everything that you do not want to take with you to your new place. You can sell these things, donate them, or just dispose of them. Also make travel arrangements if necessary and try to get an insurance policy for all your expensive items, just to be on the safe side.

Two weeks prior to the move

Notify all your relatives, friends and colleagues about the change of your address; also make sure your employer, bank and credit card company knows about this. Inform the utilities about your move and let them know when they can disconnect their services; settle your bills with them as well. Contact the local utilities in the area where you are moving, and notify them of the dates when they can provide you with their services.

With all this done, you should confirm dates with your moving company once again.

One week prior to the move

If you have any equipment that operates on fuel, drain all of it as a precautionary measure. Do this when there is still a week left for the move, because two or three days before the scheduled dates, there is a good chance, you will have forgotten all about this.

Let your newspaper agency and milkman know about the move, and provide them your moving date so that they do not deliver you anything after that. If you have kids or pets, ask someone to watch them over; you probably would not want them around on the big day.

Two days prior to the move

Get your vehicle serviced if you are going to be driving to your new residence. Tend to your plants and make arrangements for their shipments if you are taking them with you.

One day prior to the move

The moving company will visit your residence and start packing all your stuff. Though they will be able to deal with all your items, you should pack expensive things by yourself. Also prepare yourself a night bag that contains essentialities such as your medicines, toothbrush, one or two dresses, and so on. You would not unpack right away when you move to your new place, and you will need all of these the first night.

On the moving day

The moving company will load all your boxes and take care of everything. You just have to make sure you do not leave any important thing behind.

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