(410) 536-0914

Tips to Save Moving Costs

Tips to Save Moving Costs

Prices and inflation rates are rapidly increasing in the country. This is why moving costs are also increasing. You have already invested a huge amount in a new home, so it will be good if you can save some money while moving to your new location. The following tips will help you to reduce your moving costs.

Your moving time is really important, and you should be flexible in this regard. Try your best not to move in June, July or August because moving companies are in high demand during this period and hence more expensive. Also, make sure you choose the second or third week of the month to make your move. Professional movers charge more in the first and last weeks because these are the leasing dates for most apartments.

The weight of your shipment matters a lot. Discard any items that have not been used in a long time. If you don’t need them, then you really should not pay extra costs to move them to your new place.

Thoroughly examine every item in your home before you start getting quotes from moving companies. Take only the things which you really need and mark them accordingly on the survey sheet. Remember that if you change the number of movable items, your costs will also change.

Professional movers ease your moving tasks, but also charge a high amount. It is good to avail their services, but let them handle some items only. You can always pack the smaller things by yourself. You really would not want anyone to mess your wardrobe or your personal desk. Anything which you can pack yourself counts towards reducing your costs. It must be mentioned that if you are insuring your move, all the boxes which you pack by yourself will not be covered unless the damage is visible on the box. So make sure you do this for only these things which can’t be damaged or broken.

Utilize items around your house to save on your box costs. For instance, you can pack towels, clothing and bed sheets in any luggage bag or suitcase. You can also store non-fragile and lightweight items in wardrobes.

Trying to reduce moving costs does not mean that you start using newspapers instead of bubble wraps to pack your chinaware and glassware. This will save money, but if these things accidentally break, then you cannot mend them easily, and will have to pay a hefty price if you purchase them again.

Professional movers will not disconnect or reinstall your electrical appliances. You will have to get this done by a third party, but if you can do it by yourself or an acquaintance can do it for you, you will save the extra cost.

If your house is already insured, then that company might have policies that cover your moving cost. Before you hire a moving company, make sure your home insurance policy does not support it.

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