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The Biggest Fears Moms Have About Moving – And How To Deal With Them

The Biggest Fears Moms Have About Moving – And How To Deal With Them

Moving is not optional when you start a new family. You can only live in a studio apartment in Washington DC with a small child for so long before it drives you berserk – whether you’re buying or renting, you have to find yourself a new place to live.

But moving can be hard for moms. There is a lot more to consider when moving a family than there is when you’re moving by yourself, or even with just your partner. This can lead to a lot of stress, anguish, and fear when it comes to the moving process.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most common fears that moms have about the moving process – and talk about ways to deal with these fears, focus on a successful move, and get started living your new life.

1. The Money Problem

Moving can be tremendously expensive – especially if you’re buying a home for the first time. Moms often worry about having enough to make the move – and continue living normal lives afterward.

To avoid money issues when moving, it’s best to find out about a move as early as possible – and start saving, just in case. It’s a good idea to have a “rainy day fund” that can be used in case of emergencies, and when moving. Having a little extra just in case something urgent comes up can provide a mom, with valuable peace of mind.

2. Not Finding A Great School For Your Kids

Often, moms in Washington, DC move because they’re looking for a great school district for their kids. But if you’re moving for a job or another reason, you may not have your school district locked down – and for moms, this can be cause for concern.

What if your kid doesn’t get a great education? Sure, there are private schools, but those are expensive – what should you do?

Well, GreatSchools is a fantastic resource for this – you can compare public and private schools in your intended city, which can make picking a school district easier. You can also do this the old-fashioned way – talk to township school districts, schedule visits with your kids, and ask the staff questions while you tour the school.

Being proactive is the best way to mitigate this fear – if you find a great school district, you won’t have to worry anymore.

3. Neighborhood Worries

There’s always the fear that you chose a bad neighborhood for your kids to grow up in – will it be safe in the winter? Is there too much traffic? Are there unsavory or criminal elements nearby? What if you just visited it on a nice day, and it’s loud and a bad place for children?

Well, most of the time, these fears are unfounded – but if you want to make sure you’ve chosen a great neighborhood, make it a point to visit it multiple times during different times of day, before you choose it for your new home. This can let you get the full idea of life in your chosen neighborhood – and you’ll probably see that it’s a fantastic place to raise your kids.

4. Interruption Of Routine

This is especially huge for moms who are expecting. You have your own grocery store. Your own yoga studio. Your own path behind your apartment that you walk on every night. Moving is going to interrupt all of that – and expecting moms often fear that it may be hard to get back to normalcy.

Again, being proactive is the best way to deal with this fear. Once you know where you’re moving, start doing research on the area. Find a new grocery store that you like, a convenient gym, a great park where you can take your kids – do everything you can to ensure that your routine isn’t interrupted. With a bit of research and planning, it’s easy to start your new life in a new Washington DC neighborhood.

5. Getting Stuck With A Bad House

Once you’ve pulled the trigger on buying or renting a new home, the anxiety begins. Is the house big enough? What if you can’t decorate it well? What if it turns out that it’s got outdated wiring, or bad plumbing?

Usually, these fears are totally unfounded – if you’ve done your research and hired inspectors to make sure your house is good quality, you have little to fear.

So if you start to fear that your house isn’t right for you, take a step back – are you really worried that it’s not good enough? Or are you just homesick, and worrying about all of the different stuff you have to do before moving into your new home?

6. Leaving Behind Friends And Loved Ones

This can be the hardest thing to do – even if you’re not moving out of Washington, DC. Your routine and your connections with your friends and loved ones – and those of your children – may not break, but they will be different. People who used to be your neighbors live across town – kids who used to go to school with your children are now several districts away, and they may grow distant.

It’s important to keep contact up with these people as much as possible – but also accept that things have to change. That’s life, after all – everything changes, all the time. So don’t lose touch with old friends, but be ready to make new ones at your new home – and encourage your children to join clubs, community activities, and school activities that they love so that they can also form new, lasting friendships in their new home.

Concerned About Not Being Able To Move In Time? Talk To Movers USA – The Best Full Service Movers In Washington, DC!

Perhaps the biggest fear that moms have is that their move won’t get done on time. And that’s a natural fear – moving takes a ton of time and effort, and the last thing that a mom wants is to be stuck with a half-packed old house and a half-empty new house – or be forced to move some stuff into a storage unit because her lease ran out before she could move everything.

When you’re a mom, keeping your schedule can be difficult – and packing up all of your stuff to move it to your new home can be darn near impossible. After all, most moms can barely make time for themselves when they have children – how are they supposed to pack up and move on their own?

So don’t do it yourself. Hire Movers USA – the best full service movers in Washington, DC.

Our experienced professional movers can do everything for you. We can pack up your stuff, take it out of your old home, and deliver it to your new one in a flash – all you have to do is unpack it and begin your new life. It’s as simple as that.

So contact us today, and learn more about our services in the Washington, DC area. Our movers can reduce stress, save you time, and help you start your new life more quickly. And what busy mom doesn’t want that?

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