(410) 536-0914

Moving With Children to another State

Moving to another state can be a stressful, hectic and a very challenging relocation. From the stress of packing to selling your house, from searching for schools in the new location to gaining familiarity with the new environment, inter-state moves can be difficult. Moreover, kids need to be paid special attention because these moves might be traumatic for them as they would be leaving behind their school, friends and family with whom they might have grown to be attached to. During such transitions, helping your kids to understand the move and helping them settle down in the new neighborhood is very important.

Talk about the Relocation with Your Kids

When families plan on relocating to another state, children do not have a say in the decision. It is therefore important to talk to your children about how and why the move was decided to make it relocation easy on them. Not disclosing such information will lead to your children feeling stressed and left out, and might even result in them being reluctant to move. Make them feel part of the planning and moving process from the very start by involving them in packing their stuff, visiting the new neighborhood (if possible), or looking out for schools.

Create Excitement about the Move

Turn the moving into a fun-filled adventure for your kids. When kids are involved in the moving process, they will readily accept the relocation. When you plan on selling your house contents, help your kids organize a garage sale. You can make them responsible for packing and labeling some of their own boxes. It would be great if they are able to search online for a house to move to or a school to attend. If possible, you can take them to visit the new neighborhood so that they are comfortable when the actual move occurs. On the day of the move, you can assign special responsibilities to each of your children. Once in your new house, you can let your kids decorate their new rooms and arrange items as they please.

Bid Farewell

Saying goodbye to family and friends is the hardest part. Children might be sad leaving their friends behind whom they spent time playing with while growing up. Give your kids enough time to bid farewell to them. You should encourage your kids to exchange emails and stay in touch through social mediums such as Facebook and Skype. During vacations, you bring your children back to your old city so that they can visit their friends and refresh their memories.

After The Move

A move to another state can be a major change in your children’s lives and so it is important to be there for your kids when they need you. Help them adjust in the new surroundings especially in the first few weeks after the move. Take them to the neighborhood park, the library or the mall. You can even accompany them to the school before it starts so that they know where to find what.

Managing Kids of Different Ages

Usually, younger kids are better able to cope with relocations than older children. School age children are mostly worried about whether they’ll be able to make new friends, or fit into the new school. Teens can be the toughest age group to handle since their friends usually make their identity and they might feel left out alone in the new school till they find a suitable clique.

It is important to research schools before you move with your family. A good idea would be to visit the school and meet the teachers. You can observe classes when school is in session, speak with other students and visit facilities. You can ask the headmaster whether you can bring your children along to visit the school so that they will be at ease when the transition occurs.

Moving to another state can be tough for your children. It is therefore important that you take due care in helping the child adjust in the new location. Be all eyes and ears when it comes to any early signs that your children are experiencing before and after the move and help them out.

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