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How to Protect Furniture Going into Storage

How to Protect Furniture Going into Storage

It’s always best to be prepared prior to facing a difficult task. Storing away prized possessions and furniture in a storage space when moving is one of these tasks. It can be tedious work, but can be very detrimental to your belongings if you don’t take good care to ensure they are well taken care of. You want to make sure that your belongings are safe and secure when you return back to it. Help yourself by understanding several important points when storing your belongings in storage space when relocating.

Check the Basics

Firstly, be sure to make the necessary repairs that need to be made. Make sure to check that your storage space is clean, including being dust and leak free. Leaks can be dangerous because water from the outside entering into your storage space can cause your belongings to be damaged as a result of erosion. Similarly, mould can also be an issue, also causing your stored items to erode.

Plastic is Your Friend

Lining the floor of the storage room with thick plastic sheets helps protect both your furniture and the floor, and makes it a lot easier to slide heavy furniture from one point to the other.

Break it Down and Save Space

A lot of the furniture in your home didn’t get there in one piece. Most furniture can be disassembled and put back. If this is the case, be sure to take the time to take apart your furniture. Put any screws, nuts, bolts, locks, and keys in a Ziploc bag and tape it to the furniture. This will make it a lot more convenient when you want to put the object back together. It’s a good idea to stack things neatly, helping to save space.

Even Objects Need Comfort

We all have objects in our homes that need to be taken extra care of. Make sure to wrap your most important and prized possessions in padding and soft quilts to protect them from damage. The sharp edges of other objects can break or scratch fragile items easily; therefore it would also be a good idea to protect other items from sharp edges by placing padding around the corners of objects that stick out.

The Balancing Act

It would be a good idea to stack items based primarily on their size and weight. You should try to avoid balancing furniture on top of each other – they could fall, break, and take other pieces of furniture with them! Start by stacking larger and heavier items on the bottom and lighter and smaller things on the top. Make sure the stacks aren’t too high though, because even that can result in objects falling and being damaged.

Fragility of items

Kitchen appliances, TV’s, laptops, computers, and collectibles are best kept when they are stored in their original boxes. Also, items that have glass and mirrored surfaces should be marked with a large X to clearly identify that the boxes need to be handled with extra care when moving or unpacking.

Putting it all away

When filling up a storage space, it’s always best to put larger and heavier objects at the back while maintaining smaller and fragile items in the front. Not only will this save space, but it will make it easier for you to sift through your things when you need to go back to your storage space to recover something.

Security is Key

After you have put all your furniture into your storage space, be sure that you not only have a secure lock, but the storage compound is also a secure area. It is a good idea to invest in an alarm system to avoid the possibility of any of your belongings being stolen.

Like mentioned earlier, moving and storing furniture can be a tedious and demanding task. However, making sure to take the right steps now to keep your belongings safe when you move can take off the useless burden of keeping half your mind in your storage space along with the rest of your furniture. Happy storage-space hunting!

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