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8 Ways to Save on Moving Costs

8 Ways to Save on Moving Costs

Moving can be hectic and probably one of the least enjoyable tasks for most of us, whether it’s moving to another state, country, or even just down the street. But as Poage, author of “The Moving Survival Guide” states, “the key to making your move less expensive, less stressful, and less hectic is to get organized before you move, stay organized throughout the move, and keep a positive attitude.” One of the main challenges for many of us while moving can be the demand it has on our pockets! Here are 8 tips to make your financial burden lighter! Professionals Martha Poage and John Bisney will help us along the way.

All that Junk ‘n’ Stuff…

According to Bisney, the director of public relations for the American Moving and Storage Association, moving companies base their fees on factors including the cargo weight and how many vehicles you require for your move. One of the best ways to save a little extra money is to get rid of all your unused stuff. The less you have to move, the less the weight and required vans, and the more money in your pocket.

BYOB – Bring Your Own Boxes!

So here’s a question: Why pay for something when you can get it for free? Moving homes requires using a lot of boxes to pack everything. The thing about hiring movers is that you have to buy the boxes from them. A good way to save money is to start collecting various boxes several months before your moving date. You can get them from local businesses, grocery stores, and offices. And they’re free – all it takes is a simple request.

FYI – DIY Works!

Hiring movers can be expensive. Packing your own belongings helps save money avoid damage to your belongings. You can use towels, newspapers, bubble wrap, and bed sheets to make sure all your valuable and fragile items are well secured! Poage agrees by saying “there is nothing more frustrating than having an item make it all the way to your new house undamaged, and then bang, it drops on the floor and gets broken in your haste to unpack swiftly”.

Have a garage sale

Having a garage sale is a good way to not only save money, but to make a little money as well. Put up items for sale that you haven’t used in a long time and sell them at reasonable prices and save up the money to help pay for the more expensive things.

‘Tis the Season

Poage states that most moving companies are busiest during the summer months because people with school-age children tend to move when their children are on summer vacation. Bisney agrees and adds that even though choosing to move during off season or summer is no different than choosing to move on a weekend or weekday, professional moving is like any other business so there may be higher prices if there is more demand. However, you should always try to negotiate the price. And one good thing about the current recession – businesses are willing to negotiate!

Let Someone Else Drive

Another reason DIY is a good idea is because people generally don’t like the idea of having to drive a truck to move furniture, regardless of how close or far. But again, it’s expensive. A good option would be to contact a moving company that provides the option to only transport your belongings to your destination, while the effort of having to pack, load, and unload would be yours. This service isn’t as cheap as one might hope, but it does save a considerable amount.

Get Several Estimates

Just like any other market, there are various prices that professional movers charge. According to Poage, “a good idea would be to get at least three estimates and compare them based on price, services, and gut feel. When the companies’ reputation in the industry as well as their availability and responsiveness to your needs.” When it comes to getting estimates, it’s always better to have a moving representative survey your house and belongings and get a written, accurate, binding estimate. These meetings are done best face to face. According to Bisney, “estimates generated over the phone or internet are rarely accurate and can also be the sign of a shady operator.”

Ask for Help

When it comes to having to make large amounts of payments when moving, it’s always a good idea to ask for help where it’s available and offered. You can ask your employer to cover some of the costs. If that isn’t an option, however, don’t worry, Uncle Sam is still there. Meet with a tax advisor before moving and learn how to deduct some of your expenses on your tax return.

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