(410) 536-0914

The Art of Packing Pictures and Frames during Relocation Made Easy

The Art of Packing Pictures and Frames during Relocation Made Easy

Framed pictures and art are a beautiful addition to any house interior. They bring color to bare walls and make the house more livable. When you decide to make a move to a new place, you take steps to ensure none of your frames are left behind.

However, what can you do if all your frames arrive at your new place but have either suffered a broken glass or chipped corners? Let us make the art of packing pictures and frames easy for you so that you can move to your new home without worrying about breakage.


Materials You Require

The process of packing framed arts and pictures is quite simple if you have the right materials and some time on your hands. With a few tips and tricks, you will have your fragile pieces all ready and packed to be safely shipped to your new house.

The materials you require for packing your frames and pictures include boxes, bubble wrap, roll of packing tape, permanent marker and a whole stash of brown packing paper.


Wrapping the Picture Frames

  • Begin your wrapping and packing process by laying your picture frame down on top of brown packing paper.
  • Just like you would pack a gift, wrap the picture frames.
  • Focus more on wrapping the frame tightly instead of focusing on neatness.
  • You can add an additional layer of bubble wrap under the brown packing paper in case you are dealing with delicate frames.
  • Place wrapped picture in cardboard or use a mirror/picture box.
  • Label the box as fragile, and if you have additional time, you can also specify where you want the picture in your new room to go to.


Packing More Than One Picture Frame

Sometimes, it is possible that you have a shortage of packing paper and a lot of frames at hand. In that case, you need to use boxes such as mirror boxes and use cushioning and padding between different frames. This will allow you to pack multiple frames at one time.


Additional Tips and Tricks

  • You can purchase special cardboard protectors if you want to add further protection to all corners of your framed art and pictures.
  • You can also stack a number of packed pictures within a wardrobe for safer travel. Just make sure the frames are tightly packed with objects around so that they don’t move so much.
  • Place the pictures at the edges on a moving truck or sandwich them between two heavy objects so that they not move around during transit.

Labeling is extremely important and you should take out time to add destination and content labels to each box. This ultimately makes the job easier as your movers will know exactly where they should place you specific frame in your new home.

By taking care of small things defined above, you can ensure your products are shipped and moved without any loss or damage.

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