
Advantages of Using a Professional Mover for Local Move

So you’ve decided to move. Moving in itself is both emotionally and physically stressful. The decision to either hire a professional mover or do it yourself is another debate. Should you hire a group of professionals to do your moving for you? Let’s take a look at their advantages:

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Using A Full Service Moving Company Storage

Congratulations on making the decision of hiring a full service moving company! For most movers, entrusting a third party with the safe storage of these belongings is the primary cause of concern. It may of course be relatively more costly. But is it worth the cost? More importantly, will your belongings be safe? Let’s review how full service moving companies will take care of your stuff and ensure its security.

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The Psychology and Practicality of Getting Ready to Sell Your Home After 30 Years

Living in a home for 30 years can be a drastic experience for most people. After 30 years, home is not just the edifice itself – it comprises of your neighborhood, your neighbors, some of whom you had befriended, the community, and of course memories. It’s where the heart rests to find peace. So naturally, moving after such a long time to an unfamiliar and new territory can be quiet daunting. It’s important to prepare yourself, first psychologically, then practically. Preparing psychologically to move may seem to be impossible, but if done the right way, it’s easy and effective. The best way is to get closure.

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Be careful of crooks posing as movers

Moving is not an easy one-day job. Realizing that, you decide to hire a professional mover, because well, for one, they are better at the job than you are; second, they’re faster. While you are unknowingly on the lookout for a qualified mover, there are many con artists out there who are posing as movers, on prowl for a prey. They have the right trucks with the right website. So how do you know a con from a legitimate mover, you ask? Fret not, there are ways you can avoid them and find yourself a trustworthy and legitimate mover.

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8 Ways to Save on Moving Costs

Moving can be hectic and probably one of the least enjoyable tasks for most of us, whether it’s moving to another state, country, or even just down the street. But as Poage, author of “The Moving Survival Guide” states, “the key to making your move less expensive, less stressful, and less hectic is to get organized before you move, stay organized throughout the move, and keep a positive attitude.” One of the main challenges for many of us while moving can be the demand it has on our pockets! Here are 8 tips to make your financial burden lighter! Professionals Martha Poage and John Bisney will help us along the way.

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6 Tips on How to Treat Your Movers on Moving Day

Your move is extremely important to you. That’s the reason you hired a professional moving company. These guys will be doing your packing, transporting, delivering and unpacking. You will be spending a fair amount of time with these individuals. Yet most people don’t know how to interact with them.

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Moving Boxes 101 – Which Box to Use for Each Item

Planning to do all the packing yourself? No problem if you want to save some costs and as long as you can handle the exertion involved. So how do you get started? Get your some supplies and moving boxes of all sorts. Yes, you will need different types of moving boxes because every box is suitable for certain items only. While you can pack your items in simply any box, we do not recommend it because it makes them more prone to damage. After all, there is a reason why boxes of different sorts were designed, and using the rights ones will ensure your goods are not damaged during the move.

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Moving Day: Do’s and Dont’s

Congratulations, your most anticipated day of the last few weeks is finally here. Today is the day when you have to make the big move into that new house that you have just gotten for yourself. Feels exciting? We are sure you are thrilled, but we are also sure of the fact that you must be anxious as well. What if something goes wrong doing the move like a precious item getting lost or a valuable belonging getting damaged? Does this worry equal stress plus pressure?

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Full Service Storage vs. Self Storage

Planning to move? Chances are you will need a storage facility, especially if you are moving long distance. You have two main options for this: self storage and full service storage. Self storage is a service in which you can rent a container or even a truck and store all your belongings in it. You will have to pay a monthly charge and you will probably not be provided with any insurance policy unless you choose to buy one yourself. On the other hand, if you opt for full service storage, the company will take care of everything from packing to moving. As for your work, you only have to make the payment, and they will do the rest.

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How to Pack Your Valuable Antiques, Arts, Heirloom and Wall Hangings for the Move

Moving is a stressful process of which packing is the most difficult part. While it is easier to handle things like clothes and books, packing valuables like antiques, art and other collectibles is a difficult job because they are more prone to damage and require extra care. You can pack all these items by yourself or you can hire pros for the task. Let us discuss both options in details.

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How to Prevent Moisture in a Portable Storage Unit

If you want to protect your belongings, you will have to prevent moisture from accumulating into your storage unit. Should you fail to abide by this, your belongings will become susceptible to rust, corrosion, mold and mildew. This is especially so if you have stored items such as photos, wood, leather, clothing and electronic appliances.

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Packing Your Dishes for Moving

Do you have a move coming up? Are you done with the packing? What about your dishes; have you packed them up? While packing your dishes, you have to be extremely careful and make sure they do not break during the move. Use the right boxes, but if you do not have these no problem. Just line and pad up an ordinary box, and they will be just as good.

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9 Signs You are Dealing with a Bad Moving Company

Are you planning to move? Yes, you will have to hire a reputable company for the job. But how do you gauge the credibility of the moving company. If any of the following is true about your moving company, it will probably not provide you with quality services.

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Do I Need a Moving Estimate?

Congratulations, you are now final a homeowner and are ready to move into your new home. Excited? We are sure you must be but before you start living in your new home, you have to take care of a really important process. Yes, that is moving, which can either be really simple or quite complicated depending on how you handle it.

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Tips for a Successful Move

So you have finally found that dream house and have to plan a move now? Does this make you happy or are you sort of anxious? We think it would be both. As glad as you will be that you are moving into another house and neighborhood, you will be just as worried about the move. We are so sure you must have heard so many stories of moves that turned out to be a disaster because they were so difficult to manage or incurred unwanted costs that could have been easily avoided. And these stories are exactly what would be stressing you out right now. Are we correct or wrong?

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General Moving Tips

Congratulations, you finally have a home and are ready to move. The process is really stressful, frustrating and time consuming. So how do you make the move easier and more manageable? By following the tips that we have for you here.

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