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How to Help a New College Student Move into College Dorms

How to Help a New College Student Move into College Dorms

A child moving out of their parents’ home to start college and face the world on their own – this is a very emotional phase of the parents’ life. You, as the parent should help your child shop, pack and settle in their college dorm comfortably. Also, ensure that your child has everything he/she needs. Here are a few tips to help you guide your children into their new life and help them settle in their new home.

Ask the College Advisor

Before moving, ask the college that your son/daughter got into to provide you with a list of items they recommend students to bring along with them. Most colleges either post a list of items needed on their website or send a copy of the list with the admission documents. If neither has been done, call the college advisory and ask them.

You also need to know which items the college prohibits the students from bringing to the campus. You can also ask the college for a list of hazardous or dangerous items that are prohibited for students to bring into dorms.

Check with the Roommate

It is very important to contact your child’s roommate before the move. As dorm rooms are very small, your child and their roommate can make joint decisions on who will bring which item so that they don’t end up bringing two of each. The more expensive items like a microwave, stereo system, DVD player or refrigerator can be shared by them. Each can decide on bringing a few items from the list.

Pack a First-Aid Kit and Burn Kit

Do not forget to give your son/daughter a first-aid kit and a burn kit for emergencies. Teach them how to use the medicines and bandages. This will enable them to take care of themselves and be of help to others if needed. Before college, get your son/daughter enrolled in a short first-aid course. The knowledge of first-aid is very valuable and your child will surely remember you when they will have to perform first-aid on themselves or on a friend.

Plan the Move

It is very essential to plan the whole move with your son/daughter. Help him/her shop and pack everything that is needed. Sit down and spend quality time with them. Give them a few guidelines and tips on doing the laundry, cooking, or other necessary chores. Also, set a few ground rules for him/her. It is important to tell them that whatever rules you impose on them are for their own safety and will keep them away from trouble.

The Last Minute

It is extremely essential to make your child feel special. Kind and supporting words at the last minute will help your child feel confident in stepping into a new life on their own. Give them a farewell gift. The gift can be something they always wanted or something that will help them in the dorm such as a new laptop or an organizer.

Your help and support will make the move to college easier for your new grad.

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