(410) 536-0914

5 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Moving

5 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Moving

Is your move frustrating you out? Are you finding it difficult to manage your stress levels? All this is not a surprise because moving is a difficult process, but do not let it get the better of you. Remain focused on the benefits of the move, and you will feel better about the whole thing.

Moves become unmanageable if you make blunders. Here is a look at some of the common blunders people make when moving. Keep a lookout and avoid these at all costs:

1. Hiring an Inefficient Mover

What do you think is the biggest moving blunder? Hiring a company that is not fit for the job. Yes, moving companies do make the job easier, but appoint a wrong one, and your move will be nothing short of a disaster. Unreliable moving companies arrive late, take extremely long lunch breaks, spend more time so that greater costs are incurred, break your dishes, and do so much more damage that can even delay your move at times.

Conduct a thorough search before your move, and make sure you hire a reliable moving company that is reputed and has many clients.

2. Not Taking Care of Utilities

So you have finally moved into your new home, but as night dawns and you turn on the lights, you realize there is no electricity. Or you go into the kitchen and there is no gas. It will not be until a day or two before utility companies can provide you with their service, so do this one week prior to the move. On the last day, there are already so many things to worry about, and you will not want this to be on the list then.

3. Not Going Through the Coverage Policy

What if the mover damages your TV? Who is liable for this, you or him? If you do your research well, it will not be the former. Before you hire a mover, go through their insurance policy and make sure you are satisfied with it. Generally, a moving company will not provide you with full coverage, but your homeowners or rental insurance can. Evaluate all these policies and if you are not satisfied with the features, buy another one to be on the safe side. You can also just hire another mover that offers a better insurance plan.

4. Waiting Until the End

The movers are at your doorstep and half of your items are still out of the boxes. Now that is a scenario you do not want to be in. Pack ahead before the scheduled day, and do not leave anything for the last day.

5. Not Labeling Your Boxes

Avoid labeling your boxes, and your packing will be easier. But what about unpacking? That will turn into a nightmare and it will be so difficult for you to sort them out. So label all your boxes properly and if you have time, create a separate list of items for each box.

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